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- Contenuto:
- A chorus of men who died of AIDS observes and yearns to help a cross-section of today's gay teens who navigate new love, long-term relationships, coming out, self-acceptance, and more in a society that has changed in many ways.
- DAVID LEVITHAN is a children&;s book editor in New York City and the author of several books for young adults, including Boy Meets Boy, Love Is the Higher Law, and Every Day. He coauthored Will Grayson, Will Grayson with John Green, and Nick & Norah&;s Infinite Playlist, Dash & Lily&;s Book of Dares, and Naomi and Ely&;s No Kiss List with Rachel Cohn.
Informazioni sul titolo
Titolo: Two Boys Kissing
Autore: Levithan, David
Casa editrice: Random House Digital
ISBN: 9780307975645
Categoria: Opere specialistiche e guide, Libri per genitori, Gioventù e pubertà
Durata di utilizzo: 21 giorni