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- Contenuto:
- After leaving her life behind to go to college in New York, Marin must face the truth about the tragedy that happened in the final weeks of summer when her friend Mabel comes to visit.
- Nina LaCour is the author of the widely acclaimed Hold Still, The Disenchantments, and Everything Leads to You. She is also the coauthor, with David Levithan of You Know Me Well. Formerly a bookseller and high school English teacher, she now writes and parents full time. A San Francisco Bay Area native, Nina lives with her family in Martinez, California. www.ninalacour.com
Informazioni sul titolo
Titolo: We Are Okay
Autore: LaCour, Nina
Casa editrice: Penguin USA
ISBN: 9780399538513
Categoria: Opere specialistiche e guide, Libri per genitori, Gioventù e pubertà
Durata di utilizzo: 21 giorni