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- Contenuto:
- Teens Victor Benucci and Madeline Falco sit in separate police interrogation rooms telling about the misfits who brought them together and their journey sparked by a message in an urn.
- David Arnold lives in Lexington, Kentucky, with his (lovely) wife and (boisterous) son. He is the critically-acclaimed author ofMosquitoland, which has been translated into over a dozen languages. Previous jobs include freelance musician/producer, stay-at-home dad, and preschool teacher. He is a fierce believer in the power of kindness and community. And pesto. He believes fiercely in pesto. You can learn more at davidarnoldbooks.com and follow him on Twitter @roofbeam.
Informazioni sul titolo
Titolo: Kids of Appetite
Autore: Arnold, David
Casa editrice: Penguin USA
ISBN: 9780698165410
Categoria: Opere specialistiche e guide, Libri per genitori, Gioventù e pubertà
Durata di utilizzo: 21 Tage