Biblio24 – Südtirols Online Bibliothek. Wink Poppy Midnight


Wink Poppy Midnight

Wink Poppy Midnight

Autore: Tucholke, April Genevieve

Anno: 2016

Lingua: Englisch

Ampiezza: 256 pg.


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Autore testo:
April Genevieve Tucholke is the author of Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and Between the Spark and the Burn and curated the horror/thriller anthology Slasher Girls & Monster Boys. April has lived in many places around the world and currently resides in Oregon with her husband.

Titolo: Wink Poppy Midnight

Autore: Tucholke, April Genevieve

Casa editrice: Penguin USA

ISBN: 9781101621899

Categoria: Opere specialistiche e guide, Libri per genitori, Gioventù e pubertà

1 Esemplari
1 Disponibile
0 Prenotazioni

Durata di utilizzo: 21 giorni