Biblio24 – Südtirols Online Bibliothek. Presumed Guilty


Presumed Guilty

Presumed Guilty

Casey Anthony: the Inside Story

Autore: Golenbock, Peter; Baez, Jose

Anno: 2013

Lingua: Englisch

Ampiezza: 480 pg.


Prova di lettura
Autore testo:
Jose Baez is one of the most sought-after attorneys in the country. After successfully defending Casey Anthony in what became one of the nation's most high-profile trials, he took on the international case of Gary Giordano, which caught international headlines. Baez fought hard to successfully obtain Giordano's release from a prison in Aruba where he had been held for several months. Baez continues to practice criminal defense law, handling cases throughout the country, especially those involving complex forensic issues for which Baez has shown strong interest and expertise. Baez is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, extremely active in various charitable endeavors in the Hispanic community, and enjoys traveling and spending time with his family. He currently has offices in Orlando and Miami, Florida. Peter Golenbock, one of the nation's best-known sports authors, graduated Dartmouth College in 1967 and the NYU School of Law in 1970. He has written seven New York Times bestsellers, including The Bronx Zoo (with Sparky Lyle) and American Prince (with Tony Curtis).

Titolo: Presumed Guilty

Autore: Golenbock, Peter; Baez, Jose

Casa editrice: Perseus Book Group

ISBN: 9781939529213

Categoria: Narrativa, Gialli e thriller

1 Esemplari
1 Disponibile
0 Prenotazioni

Durata di utilizzo: 21 giorni