The old curiosity shop
a novel
Autore: Dickens, Charles
Anno: 2012
Lingua: Englisch
Ampiezza: 676 pg.
- Contenuto:
- The Old Curiosity Shop: Collectors' Edition (Annotated and Illustrated with Audio Links) The Solus Press Collectors' Edition of Charles Dickens's novel The Old Curiosity Shop is a beautifully presented and entirely new digital production that gathers resources from a selection of original materials and wraps them around the engaging and tragic story of Little Nell Trent and her grandfather. The combination of stunning design and high quality artwork together with informative and insightful Publisher's Notes on the historical context of the work and its use of illustration, add value to the reading experience and make this eBook a delight to own. The Solus Press Collectors' Edition of The Old Curiosity Shop celebrates the bicentenary year of Charles Dickens's birth, in 2012-and was first made available in that year, on the very same date that the first weekly instalment of The Old Curiosity Shop was originally published by Dickens. It has been developed as an enhanced and user-friendly eBook resource, which does not represent, or reproduce, any previously existing print version. Its sources include digitally reclaimed, remodelled and enhanced imagery, mostly taken from the latter part of the 19th century, which has been incorporated into, or has inspired, the original artwork created for this publication. The text of this version is from two different sources and the 32 illustrations accompanying it are the complete set from a later edition of the work, circa 1900, representing a selection of the original wood engravings approved by Dickens. The illustrations in this eBook have the capacity to be displayed as larger and sharper images, depending on the capabilities of the reading device and its e-reading software. The Solus Press Collectors' Editions are primarily intended for high resolution tablet devices and will present best when viewed that way-though should be equally suitable for use with the majority of ePUB compatible e-reading devices and desktop e-readers. An appendix provides an alternative contents menu that links to matching audio recordings.
Charles Dickens (1812-1870), geboren in Landport bei Portsea, wuchs in Chatham bei London auf. Seine schriftstellerische Karriere begann er mit seinen Skizzen des Londoner Alltagslebens. Anschließend entstanden in rascher Folge die ersten Romane. Dickens wurde Herausgeber der liberalen Londoner Zeitung 'Daily News', reiste in die USA und nach Italien und verfasste 1848/1849 'David Copperfield', der viel autobiographisches Material enthält.
Informazioni sul titolo
Titolo: The old curiosity shop
Autore: Dickens, Charles
Casa editrice: Solus Press
ISBN: 9781909047006
Categoria: Narrativa, Romanzi e racconti, Destino
Dimensione del file: 52 MB
Formato: ePub
Durata di utilizzo: 21 giorni
Utente - valutazione
- Numero valutazioni:
- 2
- Valutazione media: