Biblio24 – Südtirols Online Bibliothek. Writing in English: A Guide for Advanced Learners


Writing in English: A Guide for Advanced Learners

Writing in English: A Guide for Advanced Learners

Autore: Gallagher, John Desmond

Anno: 2008

Lingua: Englisch

Ampiezza: 470 pg.



This ebook offers practical advice and guidance to German-speaking undergraduates and academics who aspire to write in English. It also provides valuable assistance to editors, examiners and teachers who conduct English courses for intermediate or advanced students. The work consists of four modules and is rounded off with a subject index and a glossary. Making extensive use of authentic texts written by native speakers of English and German, the authors adopt a contrastive approach and focus on the major problems encountered by Germans writing in English. These problems include overall text organisation, academic text conventions, sentence construction, idiomatic phrasing, argumentation and style. A large number of exercises can be found on the accompanying website.

Titolo: Writing in English: A Guide for Advanced Learners

Autore: Gallagher, John Desmond

Casa editrice: UTB

ISBN: 9783838531243

Categoria: Opere specialistiche e guide, Formazione e studio universitario, Tecniche di lavoro e di studio

Dimensione del file: 1 MB

Formato: PDF

1 Esemplari
1 Disponibile
0 Prenotazioni

Durata di utilizzo: 21 giorni

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