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The Siren

The Siren

Autore: Cass, Kiera

Anno: 2016

Lingua: Englisch

Ampiezza: 336 pg.



Prova di lettura
#1 New York Times bestseller A sweeping stand-alone fantasy romance from Kiera Cass, author of the bestselling, beloved Selection series. Kahlen is a Sirenâ€"bound to serve the Ocean by luring humans to their watery graves with her voice, which is deadly to any human who hears it. Akinli is humanâ€"a kind, handsome boy who’s everything Kahlen ever dreamed of. Falling in love puts them both in danger… but will Kahlen risk everything to follow her heart? This star-crossed YA romance is sure to captivate readers who grew up loving The Little Mermaid or fans of Jennifer Donnelly’s Waterfire Saga. Originally self-published, The Siren has been completely rewritten for this edition. Don’t miss The Betrothed, a glittering royal romance sure to captivate Kiera Cass’s legion of loyal readers and lovers of courtly intrigue alike!

Titolo: The Siren

Autore: Cass, Kiera

Casa editrice: HarperCollins

ISBN: 9780062392015

Categoria: Opere specialistiche e guide, Libri per genitori, Gioventù e pubertà

Formato: ePub

6 Esemplari
6 Disponibile
0 Prenotazioni

Durata di utilizzo: 21 giorni

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